Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Mark of the Eion: The Aufstand

The Mark of the Eion
Just the begging
--I wanna cry,but I know I can't .
--In a place like this all crying will get you is more trouble. No day go by where someone doesn't wish someone will just put a gun to their head. Its the easey way out in a place like this. But that's not the worst it's when they just give up, when they don't care, when they can't stand it no more. They pay someone or they do it them self. That is the same path my mom went down now it's just my brothers and my dad.
Well... I guess my dad doesn't fall in that list, yesterday, he took our old revolver and killed himself. He took his life, and what chance I had left of living a sorta nomarl life. I found his body. Sixteen-year old Anne Riller saw a dead body for the fourth time. My brothers and I don't belive he offed himslelf. Or thats the offical story. But I don't belive it. The goverment wanted my Dad dead and 10 hours later in the dead of night I find him with a peace of cloth in his hand, and a gun in the other.
--Miss. Millius is going to take us to our new home, with our new graduian. I don't know why she cares we've lived by our selfs before almost a whole year the year of dad's drinking problem not that he still doesn't-didn't have one when he died.
--I live in a training camp, the hardest in history. Not physical, no but mental. If you want to tear up a man up ,the best is through the heart, not the skin. The camp saying. The camp has been hear scene 1984,I think. This camp was started to help soldiers in the war. I mean if they don't care about there best friend whose head just got blown off in a war than whats going to slow them down, in that war? But it got out of hand, soon people were aloud to do anything and everything. And being humans, they did.
--The idea is to take the most likely ways to destroy a person from the inside they say the do for us, to help use show no weakness.
--But I don't want to think about it.

--The sky hear was always inky black, no light.It looks like some threw paint into the sky and forgot to whip it off.
--The houses aren't to pretty, but who knows I'm sure they could be worse...if someone tried really hard to make them worse.
--Not the camp did not have the money to fix 'em, but like I said they try their hardest to make life hard for us. That's why I and my brothers joined the Aufstand. The Aufstand can't do much with a fourteen-year-old-girl. Or so they say. But I know better.
--I can tell we're close now not that I know where were going it's but because were reaching camp limits. No ones aloud to leave camp.The punishment is torture,becuse death would fo-fill to many peoples christams list. We turned onto a street with houses that were descent.
--Mrs. Millius pulled the car to curb of a green house about twice as big and nicer than our old one. She sighed then turned to face me and my brothers who were all squished in the back because Mrs. Millius didn't want to move her purse.
--Okay. I think you ought to know something about Mrs. Millius before we go on.
--When I was in her 8th grade science class,we were dissecting a frog one day in class, when this guy Ernesto cut the thing open and threw it at Mrs. Milluis.The class blamed it on me, so I toke
the 6 weeks in ISS for the thing that I didn't do. I tried to tell her—but you know teachers there always right. She quite her job at the end of the year and became, whatever she is now.
--She eyed us all scornfully. I guess she still remembers.
--“Miss. Kriper has been so kind to take all three of you on such sort notice.”She looked at us as if to say you-better-be-good “I do not want to hear that she had a problem with you am I understood?”
--She waited for the answer while I thought I should just piss of this Miss. Kriper to make life hard for Mrs. Milieus.
--“Does she like frogs?”I asked. Hey, I said I didn't do it, not that I didn't want do it. She had never been a nice teacher even before Mr. Flying- Frog, besides I had already taken the punishment why not have fun?
--She didn't look to happy. Just at the thought of it she look down at her brown blouse.
--Mrs. Milieus got at me mad.
“It's this or the street Miss. Riller.” They all looked at me. Well, I was the only one of my family to have any scene at all. No not really they knew I would be the only one to put up a fight.
I thought for a minute then said “fine,” and we got out of the car. I just then realized how cold it was out side. I liked cold, so this was no problem for me. I shut the door behind me and walked up to the door of the green house and knocked.
--There was a couple seconds of silence when you could tell that the person behind the door was trying to do some last minute getting ready bore the guest came.
--The lady that opened the door had on dark blue pants and a blue blouse. She had long wavy blond hair thin figure that reached no more than 5”7' .She had gray eyes that said she knew why to much, for someone so young.
--This lady couldn't have been more then 25.
--“Well do you want come in or would you rather stand?”She sounded kind of tried as if she has spent the last ten minutes trying to clean a house as big as hers. I soundingly wounder if she had. --We came in to the house. Miss. Kriper gave me a look that I couldn't quite place as I past her. I made a mental note to check up on her on the next computer I saw .
--We came down to a living room with five oddly placed tan chairs. Where every one sat down. It was silent then--
--“Well I'm in a rush so call if you need anything. I want to know if any of them start acting up. ---Sorry I have to leave so quickly but I have a lot do.” Mrs. Milieus picked up her stuff and left the room.
--As soon as Mrs. Milieus left Miss. Kriper got up. She looked at us kids with wide eyes.
--“I would like to know your names and ages.”She walked up to them only a couple feet away.
--“I am Jon Riller and I am seventeen.”he said with a frown starring at me I was slouched back in my chair with my arms folded. He nodded at James brother.
--“My name is James Riller and I'm sixteen.”he said, then every one in the room looked at me. I was looking away from all of them. Arms folded like James.
--“Anne...”James said she had always gotten along better with James controlling Jon.
Miss. Kriper held up her left hand to push her hair back from her face. She noticed something....
--“You, know how I am. What I don't know is who you are.”I said with out unfolding her arms or sitting up “You are obviously not Mrs. Kriper for one,the real Mrs. Kriper died three years ago, and she was seventy-two. I've meet her before, you don't even look like her.” I looked at 'Mrs. Kriper' Who had gone pale under all that blush. And stared at me.
--James and Jon looked at each other how did they miss that?
--Anne was not looking at them when Jon he spoke who was no doubt trying to think of something to get her out of the room. He mind was not their as if thinking very hard .
--“'Miss .Kriper' can I take to you in private?” Miss Kriper looked nevours but nodded and got up from her big chair, Jon got up and fallowed her through a big door with cravings on it.
Thirty seconds after Jon and Miss. Kriper had left James stood and walked to a seat right in front of Anne.
--“What made you say that?Maybe you were wrong.That would be a very bad first impress." He said and he leaned toward her trying to make her unconvertible enough to tell .
--“James how long have you known me?”she asked with a frown. James looked confused.
--“Your fourteen so fourteen years,”He spoke slowly as if he did not understand why he was saying this. He looked at her as if trying to figure out what she was doing or planing.
--“So,”she sat up and unfolded her arms “ your trying to get information out of me is not out of ignorance but rather just because you stupid ?”
--“Look Anne just tell me alright? What did you notice that changed your mind about her?”
--Anne posed her face so she would show no emotion.
--“She has the Eion James”she said “on her left hand-”
--The mark of Eion was for the rebellion. The Eion was a mark of loyalty, you get it the age of seventeen. You get it on the right hand if you a low member one with little or no power. Left was the stronger but not the strongest.
--“No,she's- not she can't be”They were with the rebellion but members were not spouse now each other, in case one was caught and forced to tell what they knew “Maybe you saw wrong maybe it was the mark shaane ,”
--“James she is one. I know I've seen Jons mark”Anne said
--But he never got to finish that maybe Mrs. Kiper and Jon came in walking side by side. Both stopped dead at the seen. Jon looked at James telling him to explain with only eyes. When he failed James looked at him frustrated,why couldn't he keep he longer But he was not going to in front of the person that he was would be talking about.
--“Go ahead I sure it won't be a big surprise”Anne's eyes narrowed “She knows who she is”
--Miss. Kriper looked down.
--“And she knows what we are talking about we don't even have to say it” I looked at my brothers.
--“Fine, so you know what I do but do you know who I am?”she looked at Anne she thought she was stupid which is why Anne enjoyed saying the fallowing.
--“I know your not Mrs.Kriper,I belive your Captin Clark?” 'Mrs. Kriper' looked at Anne surprise.“What do you think I would come to a unknown house and unknown person with out doing my homework ?Thats against rules ” she smiled as if she had actually fallowed the rules.
--“I'm hear to train you for the up coming battle”No words to anybody- that includes people at school are we clear?”She looked at Anne,she knew. How could she possibly know?
She put hands clasped together behind her back .This looked like a normal position for her.
--“When do we start?”Anne asked
--“Am I clear?”
--“Fine, when do we start?”
--“Doesn't have the mark of Eion I see .You put me in my place”she said rubbing it in his face
--“Now,”her eyes flicked to Captain Clark “where's my room? I want to go to bed”
--“second floor, first hallway, second left,”Anne got up and left. Two minutes later she was in a decant sized room with a four poster bed, a oak dresser and clothes in the dresser seeing as hers were crap she looked around the room was pink! Se was going to have nightmares tonight!

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